Monday, February 25, 2008
Miami Sucks...

..lol, no really, they do. Heat are..umm..1-26 in their last 27 games and are the worst in the NBA and the Dolphins went 1-15 last season. Lol. This isn't new to anyone but damn...they really suck. Short blog today, I got ish to do. See yall when I get back from Puerto Rico!!
PS..I know New York isn't much better...but ugh the Knicks are better than the Heat and oh yeah...we won the Super Bowl! Ha!
Nike Air Assault

Sunday, February 24, 2008
$.10: Rita G
Well this time I'm going to cut the bullshit...lol. Most of you have already seen Rita G, you probably just didn't know her name. She's the featured "actress" in Kanye's recent Flashing Lights video - you know, the one where she disrobes, lights her clothing on fire and then pummels him with a shovel as he lays gagged in the trunk of a car (if you haven't seen it yet sorry, but watching it will still be a memorable experience).
Below I guess you could say is a prelude to the main event - below is Kanye's video and some choice pics for your viewing pleasure. Prelude to what main event you ask? Well...I and my fellow lucky bastards spent Thursday night last week chopping it up with Ms. G at an empty Knitting Factory in New York City...(Napoleon Dynamite would say..."Lucky!")...and as I am a generous person, lol, later this week I will share not only the audio...but the video of her discussing porn, her body parts, selling her underwear and whatever else...lol. Damn I love Hip-Hop.

Brooklyn Soul - Jay-Z X Marvin Gaye

Ok, I know American Gangster has been out forever and these remix mixtapes are so last month...you fickle Hip-Hop fans you...but I'll be honest, these remix projects are damn near the most creative things in Hip-Hop right now and they seem to breathe new life into music whenever done right...and this project my friends, produced by Shuko and The Gunner from Europe no less and presented by LBJ23's Mick Boogie was done righter than right...here's the link...there are many many notable joints, but "I Know" is my favorite.
Oh and so you don't have incorrect expectations. This isn't a mash up with Jay on the verses and Marvin on the hooks (except on track 15, but it works perfectly). Instead Shuko and The Gunner sampled seminal Marvin Gaye joints and created new beats around Jay's lyrics. Honestly, had they not made it clear that this was a Jay-Z/Marvin Gaye mix most wouldn't realize how intricate and creative this mix is.
Am I Your Supra Daddy?

KFC's "Hillary Special"
Will Hip-Hop Save It's Birthplace?!

As most should know, the purported birthplace of Hip-Hop - 1520 Sedgwick Ave. - in the Bronx is in danger of being sold and converted into God knows what. The current residents are concerned that the sale will inevitably force them to find new homes and may cause substantial increases in rent for families that are already classified as low income and who sometimes struggle with their current reduced rent.
This is a sad story of capital interest versus human consequence. Here you have the birthplace of a musical genre that has generated billions and helped to not only disseminate Hip-Hop culture but American culture around the globe and an underlying story of low income families fighting to keep their home going up against governmental interest and capital ambition.
Here's a more detailed article about the situation from the LA Times. Best of luck to the residents, in the least I hope displaced families are made a priority for placement in new low income housing.
FYI...the residents want to purchase the building and turn it into co-op, they have 11 million...they need another 13 million I believe. With all these non profit organizations every Hip-Hop artist seems to have, you'd think 13 mill would be easier to come by...hey Hov...what's good?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Is it too early to talk about a Knight return at Indiana!?

I was going to post about this weeks ago when the Sampson scandal first reared it's ugly head. But it wasn't until today that it was definite that Sampson wouldn't be coaching any more...at Indiana at least. With Knight's recent resignation...not retirement...from Texas Tech, it would make sense for a Knight return 8 years after his disgraceful departure from the program he built.
Currently, Sampson is being replaced by Dan Dakich. A Sampson assistant, an Indiana grad and former coach of Bowling Green where he became the 10th winningest coach in MAC history. He's a good coach and well suited to take the helm of Indiana and at the age of 46 could be a long term solution for Indiana. But Knight is Knight...and in his older age seems to have mellowed a bit and may not be the tyrant he once was in the castle he once occupied. I say, let the man coach a season or two and give Dakich a future commitment - as has been the trend in college coaching as of late (reference Knight's son). What coach wouldn't want to learn under the tutelage of the all time winngest coach in college basketball history?
Furthermore, as most analysts said when Knight resigned, it would take a big stage and a big program to make him coach again. How about the #15 ranked Indiana Hoosiers!? Not to mention the young talent they have in freshman Eric Gordon and sophomore Armand Bassett and incoming freshman swingman Devin Ebanks. Sounds like a story book ending to a story book career.
Only question is can Bob Knight and IU bury the hatchet?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tru Warier (That's how he spelt it in his head) to the Spurs?!

I won't even comment on how retarded the Western Conference playoffs will be if this trade goes through. But word is it'll be another bargain basement deal similar to the Gasol for Kwame Brown trade. Supposedly Artest could be traded for Elson and Barry's expiring contracts. This new trend of trading players for substantially less talented players as long as you don't have to pay anyone involved in the trade the next year isn't a novel idea but has never been this rampant.
You have to wonder though, if this goes down, that'll make the Suns, Spurs, Lakers, Mavs and Warriors who have made major moves in the last couple weeks. What will the Nuggets do to get Andre Miller?
If my name was Isiah...and I had a friend named Pat...

...this is what I'd do. Trade Eddy Curry for Alonzo Mourning, Smush Parker, Dorrell Wright and Daequan Cook. Yes I would. And I don't think anyone in New York would be mad about that.
In the case noone's noticed, Eddy only plays half the game (averages 26 minutes) and puts up 14 pts and 5 rebounds. Daequan and Dorrell alone combine for 15 points and 7 rebounds. Not to mention you get a veteran pg who's from New York in Smush - a player the Heat have been shopping all season. And Alonzo, whether he tries to come back next season or not has an expiring contract. Most likely if he wants to come back next year the Heat will sign him for the Vet minimum or he can go to the land of the Sun with Shaq, San Antonio and back up Duncan or go to LA and tutor Bynum.
In the end NY gets 3 young players with great upside, an expiring contract, they dump a chronic underachiever, and have Marbury insurance by getting a pg that Nate can share time with at the helm.
The true question is why would the Heat do this? Simple, with Wade and Marion you have a formidable one two punch. Wade gives you 25-30 every night, Marion gives you 15-20. You don't need much from a third wheel on a team like that. All Eddy has to do is clog the lane and put up his 15 points and 5 boards and all of a sudden they can really compete in their division. Also don't ignore the fact that although the Knicks are pretty bad, with 13.5 points a game Eddy isn't even a top 3 scorer on the Knicks, with those numbers he'd be the Heat's bonafide 3rd option with noone but Wade and Marion averaging more than him currently.
Also, although he hasn't been a great rebounder this season he seems even worse because there are no great rebounders on the Knicks - Randolph gives you 10 a game, Lee gives you 8 (although he'd prolly get 10 or more as a consistent starter) and Richardson gives you 5 - because of that it's an all hands on deck mentality. Not to say Curry wouldn't need to rebound on the Heat but with Marion averaging 13 boards a game since joining the Heat and with Haslem yanking another 10, there would be less pressure on Curry.
Lastly, Curry has never been a great rebounder but he has been a scorer and let's not ignore the fact that he averaged about 20 a game last year and played about 35 minutes a game. It's safe to say that with a change of atmosphere, a true star leading the team (something the Knicks have lacked since Ewing departed), a solid pf playing next to him who doesn't need shots to be effective, and the absence of Shaq and Mourning which will guarantee Curry gets the minutes he needs - you could see a return of Curry of old.
Knicks could begin the rebuilding process with two very talented young players (Cook is 20 and Wright is 22) and free up some money and the Heat could quickly find themselves in the top 2 in the Southeast Division next season with the Magic. Not mention the fact that Wade's only 26, Marion is 29 and Curry is only 25.
...am I right or am I right? Oh yeah and I ran the numbers courtesy of RealGm's trade checker and the numbers work.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Creative Recreation

Here are their new sneaks from their Cesario line in black crocodile...which I will be copping...

Hip-Hop Peaked 20 Years Ago...
Imagine stepping into the club in the summer of 1988 and hearing this joint for the first time, it was probably bananas...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Be Free by Mickey Factz
$.10: Rachel Whitted

This 5'7" actress and model is one of the few self professed actress/models who've actually...acted...in anything. At 32 years of age, she's not some newbie pretending to have talent and a great body, she's the real deal. Having played roles on UPN's "Cuts" and "One on One" Rachel Whitted is looking forward to continuous success...but for right now, go to her website and enjoy these ten cents.
Mark Cuban Doesn't Want A Kidd

Even before the irrelevant Webber signing, blockbuster Pau Gasol trade and interesting Shaq swap I've been pining for a Kidd trade. My thought process went something like this...the west is the best, the east sucks...having a couple great players on bad east squads isn't entertaining...so send the good players to the west and make it even more competitive...hand out championship rings after the western conference finals... Except for that last part, I'm sure most agree. Why keep the best pg in the league (fuck what you heard about Chris Paul and D Will, yeah they're nice but put Kidd on a squad with some ballers and see what the Human Triple Double does) languising on a squad that won't be going anywhere soon.
I saw him fitting in perfectly in Denver, Camby and Martin blocking shots or grabbing boards and igniting the break, Iverson and Melo filling the lanes, Smith (if he isn't traded) catching oops off the blind side screen. Or in Dallas, where he was drafted back in '94 (Webber was drafted in 94 too...hmmm), running pick and rolls with Nowitki a la Stockton and Malone, penetrating the lane and dishing to Terry in the corner for the three. Denver might happen but Dallas won't.
Cuban recently stated that to get Kidd he'd have to trade half the team and it's not worth it. He's right and without their key players the addition of Kidd won't do much. Would of been interesting anyway though. But now that Dallas is out, lets hope Denver pulls the trigger - Denver'll work out better anyway.
5 Ways Kanye Can Win Album of The Year

1. After spending the next 25 to 30 years producing for other artists, West can create an instrumental reinterpretation of the songs of Patti Smith. In much the same way Recording Academy voters clearly think 2007 was the year in which the jazz-inspired songs of Joni Mitchell shook up the musical landscape, perhaps 2032 will be the year West reimagines the songs of Smith and forever changes the face of pop music.
2. Release a duet album through a coffee chain.
3. Though West has branched out to work with the likes of mainstream Grammy faves such as John Mayer and Adam Levine of Maroon 5, Recording Academy voters are clearly not impressed. West can get Daft Punk invited to the show, but that's not going to win him any non-genre awards. Perhaps some Sting and Santana collaborations are in order. And if that doesn't work, maybe some remixes of Frank Sinatra with an occasional verse thrown in -- but not too many. It's Frank they want to hear, not Kanye.
4. Stop performing at the show. Each time he's been nominated for album of the year, West has shown up to deliver the strongest Grammy performance on the telecast. Last night was no different, with his glow-in-the-dark take on "Stronger" with Daft Punk. But as long as West is willing to show up and parade around his songs, there's no reason for Recording Academy voters to cast their ballots his way -- they get to have him on the show, then throw their votes to old-school industry favorites. West should take a hard-line stance against showing up and stop talking about how badly he wants a Grammy. It's time to play hard to get with the Recording Academy.
5. Record a soundtrack. Preferably include at least one overblown ballad, the kind of song that will be covered on "American Idol" for years to come, and also throw in some acoustic, old-timey folk songs. The key to winning an album of the year is to simply stop being relevant.
Lol, courtesy of Todd Martens at the LA TimesWoman Is The Nigger of The World...
Now, personally I can understand his message and it does seem genuine but it still makes me uncomfortable in a way. You be the judge. But this is notable because I suspect Nas is hoping to drum up the same sort of controversy. But he won't. Why? He's not a Beatle, he's not John Lennon, it's not the early 70's.
In Lennon's time racism was an acknowledged fact, as was sexism. The debate wasn't whether it existed, but what to do about it. Now, everyone tries to act as if it doesn't exist or exists to a lesser extent. Some say it has no affect on the livelihood of minorities. In general it's just a divisive issue that people try to shy away from. John had the position and following that would allow him to be controversial yet always considered artistic and genuine. Something about Nas seems forced in a way. Like let me think up the most left field thing possible and run with it. I hope I'm wrong. But we'll see I guess. In the alternative, if Nas can use his upcoming album to get on late night talk shows and in magazines and force people to discuss not only the word but the current state of race relations in America...well, I'd have to support that.

Lil Wayne, Hot Boys and Mannie Fresh Reunite

Honestly, I don't give a shit about this. But it's Hip-Hop newsworthy I guess.
Word is that Weezy, the Hot Boys (minus Turk) and Mannie Fresh will be reuniting on stage in New Orleans. After his rant in VA after getting in more trouble with the law in AZ, I guess Weezy realized he needed to realign with the people who were there when he was trying to make it. Unfortunately, this will probably lead to more mind numbing Hip-Hop that today's teens can't get enuff of and the early-80's babies can't stand. On second thought, their performance might end up being a 90's throwback. Either or, should make for an interesting night. Bun B is also slated to rock the mic.
Monday, February 11, 2008
...and the Grammy goes to...Barack Obama!

I wasn't gonna post this cause I realized I've been going kind of heavy on the Obama posts...so this will be the last one for a while or at least until something major happens with his campaign. But in the case you didn't know - Barack Obama won the Grammy for Best Spoken Word album a couple days ago...over Jimmy Carter, a Clinton (Bill to be exact) and Maya Angelou. And even better, it's his second one. Now all he needs to do is collab with Gore on a documentary and get that Oscar, holla at Oprah about that Broadway hustle and cop that Tony, become President, do a couple terms and call it a day. Lol, funny thing is...it's possible, all of it.
On a sidenote...its said that Barak was a varsity Basketball player in High School with a sweet jumper. His nickname on the court was Barry O'bomber. True story. Ha!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Grammies: To Watch or Not To Watch...That is the question

Sunday, February 3, 2008
National Portrait Gallery to Showcase Hip-Hop

Friday, February 1, 2008
Clinton V. Obama - Tale of The Tape..

No broken ribs, no black eyes...although each candidate took and received their fair share of shots it was by far the friendliest of the debates we've seen so far this year. It's pretty obvious that both Hillary and Obama realize that regardless of who wins the demo nomination, they'll need to work together or in the least support one another once it's time to deal with McCain or Romney.
They did butt heads on the issues of immigration and the war in Iraq. Both clashes were in regards to Obama's definitive stance on each issue and Hillary's alleged flopping. Obama supports allowing immigrants to obtain driving licenses, Hillary is accused of having once supported it and now opposing it. Obama is against the war and promises a full return of troops within 16 months, Hillary also opposes the war but once voted for it and was unwilling to give a definitive time table for the troops' return although she did say she hoped it would be within a year.
Overall, I doubt many voters will be swayed to vote a different way than they had already decided. For those on the fence, I'm sure few are now decided due to last night's debate. But it was a great opportunity to see the two demos that matter get the opportunity to discuss the issues without Billy Rich or J.E. wasting precious broadcast time.
Also, the constant discussion of Hillary's flopping is getting tired. It's to be expected when you have been tied to D.C. for 16 years for things to change. There's no reason to act as if the situation in Iraq in '08 is exactly like the situation that was there in '98. Furthermore, a leader who is able to see his/her mistakes and correct them is someone to be respected, although I would prefer a leader who gets it right the first time.
I rule it a draw.