Now, personally I can understand his message and it does seem genuine but it still makes me uncomfortable in a way. You be the judge. But this is notable because I suspect Nas is hoping to drum up the same sort of controversy. But he won't. Why? He's not a Beatle, he's not John Lennon, it's not the early 70's.
In Lennon's time racism was an acknowledged fact, as was sexism. The debate wasn't whether it existed, but what to do about it. Now, everyone tries to act as if it doesn't exist or exists to a lesser extent. Some say it has no affect on the livelihood of minorities. In general it's just a divisive issue that people try to shy away from. John had the position and following that would allow him to be controversial yet always considered artistic and genuine. Something about Nas seems forced in a way. Like let me think up the most left field thing possible and run with it. I hope I'm wrong. But we'll see I guess. In the alternative, if Nas can use his upcoming album to get on late night talk shows and in magazines and force people to discuss not only the word but the current state of race relations in America...well, I'd have to support that.

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