As most should know, the purported birthplace of Hip-Hop - 1520 Sedgwick Ave. - in the Bronx is in danger of being sold and converted into God knows what. The current residents are concerned that the sale will inevitably force them to find new homes and may cause substantial increases in rent for families that are already classified as low income and who sometimes struggle with their current reduced rent.
This is a sad story of capital interest versus human consequence. Here you have the birthplace of a musical genre that has generated billions and helped to not only disseminate Hip-Hop culture but American culture around the globe and an underlying story of low income families fighting to keep their home going up against governmental interest and capital ambition.
Here's a more detailed article about the situation from the LA Times. Best of luck to the residents, in the least I hope displaced families are made a priority for placement in new low income housing.
FYI...the residents want to purchase the building and turn it into co-op, they have 11 million...they need another 13 million I believe. With all these non profit organizations every Hip-Hop artist seems to have, you'd think 13 mill would be easier to come by...hey Hov...what's good?
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