No broken ribs, no black eyes...although each candidate took and received their fair share of shots it was by far the friendliest of the debates we've seen so far this year. It's pretty obvious that both Hillary and Obama realize that regardless of who wins the demo nomination, they'll need to work together or in the least support one another once it's time to deal with McCain or Romney.
They did butt heads on the issues of immigration and the war in Iraq. Both clashes were in regards to Obama's definitive stance on each issue and Hillary's alleged flopping. Obama supports allowing immigrants to obtain driving licenses, Hillary is accused of having once supported it and now opposing it. Obama is against the war and promises a full return of troops within 16 months, Hillary also opposes the war but once voted for it and was unwilling to give a definitive time table for the troops' return although she did say she hoped it would be within a year.
Overall, I doubt many voters will be swayed to vote a different way than they had already decided. For those on the fence, I'm sure few are now decided due to last night's debate. But it was a great opportunity to see the two demos that matter get the opportunity to discuss the issues without Billy Rich or J.E. wasting precious broadcast time.
Also, the constant discussion of Hillary's flopping is getting tired. It's to be expected when you have been tied to D.C. for 16 years for things to change. There's no reason to act as if the situation in Iraq in '08 is exactly like the situation that was there in '98. Furthermore, a leader who is able to see his/her mistakes and correct them is someone to be respected, although I would prefer a leader who gets it right the first time.
I rule it a draw.
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