Monday, January 28, 2008

No Such Thing As a Hip Hop Mayor!

So I recently saw a headline on - "Hip Hop Mayor Under Fire" - and had to laugh. 1...because of the incessant attempts by the media to label everything black + bad as Hip-Hop, and 2...because wtf is a Hip Hop Mayor?! Last I checked we didn't have an organized Hip-Hop government or elections or anything of the sort, so as far as I'm concerned there is no Hip-Hop Mayor. Do you mean a Mayor who likes Hip-Hop? Has 22s on his whip? Quotes Tupac in his speeches? Listen, Mayor Kilpatrick, Hip-Hop as he may be is a Mayor of a major American city (Detroit) and the fire under which he is, is due to him allegedly cheating with a staff member and covering it up which led to a law suit which the city lost and cost the city $9,000,000. Where does Hip-Hop enter the equation? What about his alleged extra marital affairs brings Hip-Hop into the fracas? Must be those diamond

Furthermore, I know Kilpatrick has endeared himself to the greater Hip-Hop community for openly supporting and enjoying Hip-Hop music and culture, and no this isn't an attempt to throw a supporter under the bus, but HipHopDX should know better than to throw up a headline like that. Kind of irresponsible if you ask me.

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